2.3 ''Auto'' strategy settings

👉🏻 To launch the strategy in ''Auto'' mode, you need to:

  1. In the ''Portfolio'' section you need to press on a plus at the upper right corner;

  2. Choose ''Set up manually'';

  3. Choose a trading pair for your future activity.

The ''Auto'' setting of the strategy gives you the opportunity to specify the following parameters by yourself:

⭐️ The amount of your deposit for trading.

Advanced settings

⭐️ Grid presets;

❗️❗️Please pay attention that depending on the grid preset you have chosen, the multiplier in certain steps may be different. You can find more details about grid setting modes here❗️❗️

⭐️ Price range;

🧐 How it works: The price range is the values within which your chosen asset is traded in the market. This range includes the minimum and maximum price at which the position will be bought or sold. Going beyond these limits the bot will sell the available asset, but will not make purchases.

To finish the strategy settings, press on the ''Create'' button.

👉🏻 You can independently customize additional strategy parameters only by switching to the ''Pro'' tab.

Last updated