1.6 Partner page navigation

The avatar of a team or personal partner displays a badge that indicates the partner's subscription status and signals any overlap.

  • A purple badge next to the partner's avatar signifies an active subscription with no overlap.

  • A red badge next to the avatar of a direct partner means that the user has overlapped you, and you will no longer receive trading profits or subscription activation rewards from his structure.

    If the red badge appears next to the avatar of a team partner, it indicates that this user has overlapped you, and you will no longer receive direct and team trading profits or subscription activation rewards from this user.

  • A gray badge next to a partner's avatar indicates that their subscription has expired. In this case, you can either gift a subscription to the user by clicking on “Gift subscription” or remind them to renew their subscription via a push notification by clicking on “Remind”.

👉 You can gift a subscription to both direct and team partners. 👉 You can only remind your direct partners about their subscription.

If there is an overlap in the team of a direct or team partner, you will receive a notification. By clicking on it, you can see from which users you will no longer receive trading profits or subscription activation rewards.

Strategy copying

👉 On the partner's page you can copy user's strategies and easily launch them. A detailed guide on how to copy a strategy can be found in the corresponding section.


👉 By clicking on the “Partners” tab, you will be able to view the entire user structure in number and percentage.

For the most convenient navigation, you can use the filter by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner.

You can sort the structure using the following parameters:

Activation Period: All time / Today / This week / This month;

Partner Status: All / Direct only / Team only;

Overlap: Do not consider / Overlapping / Active overlapping / Overlapped / Not overlapped;

Sort: Oldest first / Newest first / Level descending / Level ascending.


👉 On the partner's page, you can also view the rewards you've received from that partner and their entire structure for both all time and the current month.


👉 The "Structure" section displays information about users referred by your team or personal partner. It also provides details on each user's qualification and any potential overlaps.

By clicking on "Open" a more detailed structure view will unfold, allowing you to trace the full partnership path leading to that user. You can also identify at which stage any overlaps is occurred.

👉 Users marked in purple within the partner's structure are those who haven't been overlapped, meaning you will continue to receive partner rewards for them.

👉 Users marked in gray within the partner's structure indicate where the overlap begins, and you will no longer receive partner rewards from them.

Last updated